Each year, the Red Cross provides more than 540,000 services to service members, veterans and their families. Your gift to “Service to the Armed Forces” enables us to stand with military families as they navigate the challenges of military service -- and continue supporting our nation’s veterans after their service ends.
Each day, we provide nearly 1,500 services to members of the military, veterans and their families through our Hero Care Network.
We ensure that important family news - such as births, deaths & illness - reaches active duty service members.
We partner with military aid societies to provide funds for emergency travel, burial of a loved one, and more.
We offer workshops, information and support services before, during and after deployments.
We brief nearly 400,000 service members & families each year through the “Get to Know Us Before You Need Us” program.
We provide services on all military installations in the U.S. and on more than 35 overseas installations.
We facilitate approximately 65,000 emergency communications to service members each year.
The Red Cross has served more than 1 million military families since 9/11.
The American Red Cross is there every step of the way for members of our Armed Forces, veterans and their families. Your gift will help ensure that those who serve our country have our unwavering support.