If you are in immediate need of help, please contact your local Red Cross » or find an open shelter »
Determine your best protection from high winds and flooding. Have a plan to evacuate and a plan to shelter safely. Take time now to gather the supplies and knowledge you will need when the storm arrives.
If advised to evacuate, do so immediately and go to a safe place.
Red Cross checklists are available in multiple languages.
If authorities advise or order you to evacuate, grab your emergency kit and go right away. If you are not in a mandatory evacuation zone, you will need to decide whether to leave the area, move to higher ground nearby, or stay in your home. If you decide to stay home, remember that even if the high winds and floodwaters do not reach your home, you may lose power and water, and you may not be able to leave your home for several days if the roads are impassable.
If you evacuated, don't return home until local officials have declared that it is safe to enter your community and you have the supplies you will need. If your home was damaged by hurricane-force winds or flooding after the storm, it should be carefully inspected and thoroughly cleaned.
Find our Emergency App in the Apple Store » or Google Play »
Aplicación de Emergencias - ahora disponible en español » también!
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